The project included the organisation of training activities for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and probation officers, aiming at discussing issues related to the use and implementation of non-custodial sentences and at raising awareness of specific rights and needs of people in vulnerable situations or belonging to minorities.
The training took place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, on 4 to 6 May 2022 (Programme).
Click here to download the training manual: Promoting non-discrimination in the application and delivery of non-custodial sanctions and measures: A manual for criminal justice practitioners.
Support materials for the training
- International human rights instruments relevant to the application of non-custodial sanctions and to the treatment of individuals in situations of vulnerability:
Rob Allen (Presentation) - International human rights instruments
Council of Europe - Probation Rules
UN Bangkok Rules on women offenders - PRI Guidance Document
UN Bangkok Rules on women offenders - PRI Short Guide
UN Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures - Tokyo Rules
- Aspects of the Portuguese legal framework regarding the application of non-custodial sanctions and measures:
Determinação da pena e concurso de crimes punidos com pena de diferente natureza (Maria João Antunes)
Execução da pena de multa de substituição através de prestação de dias de trabalho (Maria João Antunes)
Regime de permanência na habitação (Maria João Antunes)
Liberdade condicional em caso de execução sucessiva de penas motivada por revogação da liberdade condicional anteriormente concedida (Sónia Fidalgo)
A prisão e as outras penas: sempre a mesma e velha dicotomia (William Themudo Gilman)
Aspetos da aplicação e execução da pena de trabalho a favor da comunidade (William Themudo Gilman)
- Practical aspects of the imposition and implementation of non-custodial sanctions and measures:
DGRSP (Presentation) - A avaliação, a planificação e a execução (Ana Cristina Neves)
DGRSP (Presentation) - Redução de fatores de risco: Programas específicos de reabilitação (Jorge Monteiro)
DGRSP - A avaliação de risco e a prevenção da reincidência
Portugal - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alternatives to imprisonment
- Comparative study:
Comparative study on non-custodial sanctions and measures in EU Member States
Comparative study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-custodial sanctions and measures in EU Member States
- Presentation of the pilot project on the implementation of non-custodial sanctions and measures served by persons with mental health conditions:
Prof. Miguel Xavier (Presentation) - Pilot Project on Mental Health
- Related resources - Penal Reform International:
Alternatives to imprisonment and international standards
Short guide to the Mandela rules
Short guide to the European Prison Rules
10-point plan for crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures
10-point plan for gender-sensitive drug policies for women
Guide to the rehabilitation and social reintegration of women prisoners
Gender-sensitive community service and probation orders model for reform
Older persons in detention: A framework for preventive monitoring
LGBTI persons deprived of their liberty: A framework for preventive monitoring
Events: - Tackling criminalisation of the poor and most marginalised
- Decisive action to reform laws that criminalise poverty and status